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DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany

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DMX-Configurator FREE-Version
 DMX-Configurator FREE-VersionThe controlling software DMX-Configurator 4PIXX represents a user friendly surface to create light scenes (programs). Up to 8 DMX-universes can be used which can be represented as pixel-matrix.A live operation with a connected DMX4ALL DMX- or Pixel-Interfaces will be possible as well as an export to DMX4ALL DMX-Player and SD-Card-Player. All in all, in many areas an application will be possible.The FREE-Version is available as download for free and has the following functions.Range of function:1 DMX OUT universeArtNet SupportCue-ListRecord FunctionArtNet Sync RecordingLoop Find FunctionDevice Manager to create LED-Pixel screensPreview for LED-Pixel screensRemote Manager (MIDI / TIMER / DMX)Secutity functions: Password protected programming fileExport/Import of scenesExport/Import of stepsExport for NanoSD Player / ArtNet-Player 4 / DMX-Player S/L/ONELimits of FREE-Version:Multi Interface Support with 16 DMX universes can be used with up to 2 scenesTOUCH-Mode (Time limited)No secutity functionsNo hardware secutity functionsSpecifications  Operating system:Windows® 7, Windows® 8  Software-Updates:Available as download Produkt DownloadsDMX-ConfiguratorWindows 32 & 64bit DMX-Configurator V2Bedienungsanleitung DMX-Configurator V2User Manual Application NotesAufnahme von Art-NetAppNote Importieren von Jinx! SzenenAppNote Aufnahme eines DMX SignalsAppNote
Product number: 70-0122
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

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DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany No longer available

DMX-Configurator PRO-Version
 DMX-Configurator PRO-VersionThe controlling software DMX-Configurator represents a user friendly surface to create light scenes (programs). Up to 16 DMX-universes can be used which can be represented as pixel-matrix. A live operationwith a connected DMX4ALL DMX- or Pixel-Interfaces will be possible as well as an export toDMX-Player and SD-Card-Player. All in all, in many areas an application will be possible. The BASIC-Version use a USB-Dongle needing a free USB-slot. The Dongle can be used on several computer and is easy usable for service tasks. Range of functions:16 DMX OUT + 16 DMX-IN universesMulti Interface SupportCuelistArtNet SupportRecord FunctionArtNet Sync RecordingLoop Find FunctionDevice Manager to generate LED-Pixel for lines and screensPreview for LED-Pixel for lines and screensTOUCH-ModeRemote Manager (MIDI / TIMER / DMX)Export/Import of scenesExport/Import of stepsExport for AvengerSD / NanoSD Player / ArtNet-Player 4 / ArtNet MultiPixxPlyer 16 / DMX-Player S/L/ONESecurity functions: Optional password for programming fileHardware secutity functions: Program execution can be limited by using the hardware serial number Important InformationPlease note that the software is excluded from change and return ! ArtNet Player 4  Operating system:Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10  PC-connections:USB 1.1 / USB 2.0  Scope of delivery:USB-Dongle with PRO-Licence DMX4ALL lanyard with dongle holder  Software-Updates:Available as download Produkt DownloadsDMX-Configurator V2Windows 32 & 64bit DMX-Configurator V2Bedienungsanleitung DMX-Configurator V2User Manual DMX-Configurator PRO-VersionUSB Driver Application NotesAufnahme von Art-NetAppNote Importieren von Jinx! SzenenAppNote Aufnahme eines DMX SignalsAppNote
Product number: 70-0123
Manufacturer: DMX4ALL GmbH

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX-Technik Made in Germany
Delivery time: 1-3 days

Our monthly offer DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX und RDM-Technik Made in Germany

DMX4ALL GmbH - DMX und RDM-Technik Made in Germany

from 07.01.2025 to 31.01.2025 NEW YEAR SALE
"DMX-Splitter 4 RDM 25% Rabatt"
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